Gwneud mwy - yn Gynt ac yn Haws

Mae LibreOffice yn gasgliad grymus o raglenni swyddfa. Mae ei ryngwyneb glân a'i offer pwerus yn caniatáu i chi ryddhau eich creadigrwydd a bod yn gynhyrchiol iawn.
Drwy grynhoi nifer o raglenni, LibreOffice yw'r casgliad o raglenni swyddfa cod agored rhydd mwyaf pwerus sydd ar gael.

Mae LibreOffice 24.2 ar Gael Nawr!

Y casgliad o raglenni swyddfa rhydd ar gyfer pob tasg ac yn Gymraeg


Project Hwyliog

Mae LibreOffice yn un o'r projectau mwyaf cyfeillgar, sy'n tyfu gyflymaf yn y byd meddalwedd cod agored rhydd.

Mwy amdanom ni a'n gwerthoedd

Pobl Arbennig

Mae LibreOffice yn ymwneud â mwy na meddalwedd. Mae'n ymwneud â phobl, diwylliant, creu, rhannu a chydweithio.

Ymunwch â ni heddiw!

Mae LibreOffice yn feddalwedd cod agored rhydd. Mae ei ddatblygiad yn agored i dalent a syniadau newydd, ac mae ein meddalwedd yn cael ei brofi a'i ddefnyddio bob dydd gan gymuned fawr o ddefnyddwyr ymroddedig.

Native Language Projects – TDF’s Annual Report 2023

By helping to translate and market LibreOffice around the world, native language projects bring enthusiasm and passion to the global community. Here’s what they did in 2023… (This is part of The Document Foundation’s Annual Report for 2023 – we’ll post the full version here soon.) Armenian During the year, Tigran Zargaryan worked on a […]

darllen rhagor »

LibreOffice design, UX and UI updates – TDF’s Annual Report 2023

Design has been one of the major focus points of LibreOffice in the last few years, and the Design community has produced new icon sets, new MIME type icons, a hugely improved dark mode, and improvements to the NotebookBar (This is part of The Document Foundation’s Annual Report for 2023 – we’ll post the full […]

darllen rhagor »

LibreOfficeKit for document conversion

In the previous blog post, I provided a brief introduction to LibreOfficeKit API which one can use for accessing LibreOffice functionalities in an external application. Here I discuss in detail how to use LibreOfficeKit for converting an ODT to PDF, or from/to virtually any other format that LibreOffice supports.

Needed C++ Headers

For this example, you only need one header: LibreOfficeKit/Li[…]

darllen rhagor »

Native Language Projects – TDF’s Annual Report 2023

By helping to translate and market LibreOffice around the world, native language projects bring enthusiasm and passion to the global community. Here’s what they did in 2023… (This is part of The Document Foundation’s Annual Report for 2023 – we’ll post the full version here soon.) Armenian During the year, Tigran Zargaryan worked on a […]

darllen rhagor »